@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009577, author = {舟場, 拓司}, issue = {2}, journal = {関西大学社会学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {Recently two important analyses on the labor share of income have been published. I introduce these and suggest some ways in which research can be progressed. In section I, the relation between the labor share of income and the elasticity of substitution is described. In section II, I decompose labor inputs into skilled (college) labor and unskilled (high school) labor, assuming that the skilled and the unskilled are combined with capital by different elasticities of substitution. The fluctuation in the labor share of income is, then, investigated with reference to the ratio of college to high school earnings. Section III concludes., 労働分配率の変動に関する最近の分析を整理し、精査すべき方向を探ることを目的とする。次の節は、労働分配率と資本と労働の代替の弾力性との関係を考察する。Ⅱ節では、労働をスキル別に分けて、資本とスキルの代替弾力性が異なるケースを考える。大卒労働所得-高卒労働所得比率の変化を中心に、労働分配率の変化を三つの要素に分けて検討する。Ⅲ節は、まとめである。}, pages = {81--89}, title = {研究ノート 労働分配率に関する予備的分析}, volume = {48}, year = {2017} }