@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009404, author = {杉野, 昭博}, issue = {1}, journal = {関西大学社会学部紀要}, month = {Oct}, note = {スウェーデンでは、ノーマライゼーションの理念により、障害者にとっての余暇が重視され、1960年代末に「読みやすい本」がおもに知的障害者のために作られた。その後1980年代には、カナダで開発された絵記号PICが、これらの本に利用されるようになった。また、1980年代から始まった脱施設化により、知的障害者が地域社会で暮らすようになった。こうした中で、誰にでもわかりやすく、目で見て理解できる絵記号(ピクトグラム)が一般の人々にも普及した。日本では、カナダ版PICを微修正した日本版PICが1995年に出版され、知的障害者の学校や施設でコミュニケーション支援の手段として用いられている。また、五大エンボディ株式会社などによって、このPICを一般社会に普及させようとする活動もおこなわれている。一方、一般社会では、道路標識などの案内用絵記号が多く使用され、その標準化も進められているが、その中では知的障害者に対する配慮はまだ充分とは言えない。障害の有無にかかわらず利用されている絵記号は、非障害者と知的障害者とのコミュニケーション障壁を取り除く可能性をもっている。知的障害者にも理解できる絵記号を社会に普及させることが重要である。, In Sweden, based on the ideas of normalization, it has been important for people with disability to have equal access to leisure activities that are enjoyed by non-disabled people. In this context, the Swedish government began to promote in the late 1960's the publication of special books that are readable for people with learning difficulties. Later in the 1980's, in order to help the readers understand, those books used PIC signs that had originally been developed in Canada. Due to the de-institutionalization that began in the 1980's, people with learning difficulties gradually moved from large residential institutions to small group homes in local communities. As a result, non-disabled people in the communities increasingly knew PIC signs. In Japan, PIC signs were slightly modified and published in 1995. They have been used at schools and institutions for people with learning difficulties in order to improve their communication skills. Recently, the wider use of PIC signs has been advocated by such organizations as Godai-Enbody Company. This small private electronics firm attempts to lead non-disabled people to use PIC signs by using them for their products. In our society, there are such signs as road signs that have already been used widely by non-disabled people, and national and international organizations encourage their universal use. In the course of their assessment, however, there is little consideration for people with learning difficulties. Since both disabled and non-disabled people use pictogram, it may create communication barriers between them. Therefore, it is crucial to make pictogram accessible for people with learning difficulties.}, pages = {175--190}, title = {知的障害と絵記号(ピクトグラム) : 障害学の視点から}, volume = {38}, year = {2006} }