@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009401, author = {妹尾, 剛光}, issue = {1}, journal = {関西大学社会学部紀要}, month = {Oct}, note = {小論は、ルソーにおけるコミュニケーションの主体の形成とそこにある基本的問題点、即ち、母の愛を知らずに育ったルソーの直接的コミュニケーション、「心の底からの親しい交わり」への強い欲求は、この欲求を核とする人間の本心を善、社会あるいは大人の悪を子どもの悪の原因とする人間観、及び、これと結びついた、汚れを知らない孤独の中の人間は、技術の発展とともに依存、服従関係でしかない社会に入らざるをえないという社会観をルソーに持たせ、人間がコミュニケーションの主体に成熟して作る社会を、『エミール』以前にはルソーに考えさせなかったということを、更には、それにもかかわらず、『社会契約論』、『エミール』においてルソーはロックやスミスと基本的なところでは同じ人間論、社会論に辿り着いたということを、彼の主要著作の検討を通して明らかにする。, Through an examination of Rousseau's principal works, this paper essays to elucidate the development of an agent of communication in his personal history. It is suggested that the fundamental problem that affected this, which is here argued to have resulted from his experience of having grown up deprived of mother love, was his yearning for direct, unmediated communication, or "companionship as intimate as possible", and that this longing led him to take the view that, having such a desire at the core, the human heart could only be fundamentally good, and therefore that whatever evil children might in fact be capable of must have its origin in evil exerted by adults, or by society. Innocent as long as he is still left in solitude, man is forced, by the development of technology, to take a place in society, which Rousseau viewed as nothing but a system of dependency or obedience. Thus, prior to his composition of Emile, Rousseau had not yet arrived at an idea of society as a community composed of mature agents of communication ; on the other hand, through his writing of Du Contrat Social and Emile, he arrived at a view of man and society that fundamentally echoes those of Locke and Smith.}, pages = {129--135}, title = {ジャン=ジャック・ルソーにおけるコミュニケーションの主体の形成}, volume = {38}, year = {2006} }