@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009375, author = {高木, 修 and 戸口, 愛泰}, issue = {2}, journal = {関西大学社会学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究では,近年増加する社会問題(e.g.,未成年による犯罪,いじめ,虐待)の原因究明と解決への手がかりを得るために,人と人との「絆」に着目した。まず,「絆」現象を深く理解するために,「絆」についてのイメージや態度に関するステートメントを自由記述法で収集し,それらの内容分析を通じて,5つのカテゴリーを確認した。つぎに,それらのカテゴリーに基づいて母子間の絆尺度を作成し,194名の母子(ペア)を対象に「絆」意識を測定し,その回答を因子分析にかけた結果,4つの「絆」因子が抽出された。これらの意識と関係満足度との関係から,肯定的な情緒的先行要因と自然発生的な安定性認識が母子関係の満足度を向上させることが明らかになった。, This study examined a cultural phenomenon called "KIZUNA" in attempting to find some solution to social problems (e.g., juvenile crime, bullying, and abuse) that are on the rise. First, descriptions of the word "KIZUNA" were collected and analyzed to get a better understanding of the phenomenon, and 5 categories were confirmed. Second, a mother-child KIZUNA questionnaire was developed based on the categories. 194 subjects completed the questionnaire and, according to the results of factor analysis, 4 factors were extracted. Lastly, concerning the subjects' satisfaction level with relationships, an important characteristic of KIZUNA between mother and child was revealed. That is, affirmative and affective antecedent factors and the awareness of spontaneous stability would increase the satisfaction level of mother-child relationships. Possible explanations for the findings were discussed., <特集>対人関係の光と影 : 「絆」の形成、拒絶、そして崩壊の社会心理学的研究}, pages = {3--28}, title = {「絆」の光と影 : 「絆」のイメージとその構造に基づく「絆」尺度の作成}, volume = {37}, year = {2006} }