@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00024105, author = {高梨, 信乃 and Takanashi, Shino}, journal = {関西大学外国語学部紀要 = Journal of foreign language studies}, month = {Oct}, note = {This paper discusses Japanese -nai kana as a form that expresses the speaker’s desire. Sentences ending with -nai kana are negative questions, and they also indicate self-directed doubt as well. As a result, the basic meaning of -nai kana is the expression of doubt, and it has five types of usage including the expression of doubt (tending toward a positive proposition), expression of doubt (not tending toward a positive proposition), desire, fear and request. The desire usage derives from the expression of doubt (tending toward a positive proposition) usage when the proposition concerned is desirable for the speaker. However, the desire usage produces the request usage when the proposition concerned is a controllable action of the hearer and the sentence is used to address the hearer., 本稿は、科学研究費助成金基盤研究(C)2019-2022年度「気づかれにくい文法的類義表現の研究」(課題番号:19K00637,研究代表者:高橋美奈子)の助成を受けている。}, pages = {15--31}, title = {「ないかな」 : 願望表現の包括的記述にむけて}, volume = {27}, year = {2022} }