@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00023668, author = {王, 佳超}, journal = {文化交渉 : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 : journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures}, month = {Nov}, note = {As is well known, Liang Qichao (1873~1929) is one of the important founders of the history of modern Chinese thought. After the failure of the Hundred Days' Reform of 1898, Liang Qichao, who fled to Japan, continued to introduce new and important ideas and concepts to China at that time by publishing magazines. The content of theses magazines had a great influence on the Chinese people. At the same time, they also formed a basis for combining traditional Chinese culture and Western scientific methods and political thought. In the scope of the history of thought, Liang Qichao was the first person to introduce nationalism to China. This paper examines some of Liang Qichao's understanding of the concepts of state and citizens by analyzing the articles about nationalism that Liang Qichao read and introduced to China during his exile in Japan.}, pages = {163--175}, title = {梁啓超の国家思想に関する一考察 : 『清議報』載『国家論』およびブルンチュリの位置}, volume = {12}, year = {2022} }