@book{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022566, author = {乾, 善彦 and Inui, Yoshihiko}, month = {Mar}, note = {The Kansai University Library has many textbooks, those have many notes written into by scholars of the Japanese classics in late Edo period. This paper explains how much information can be gained by digitizing the text. For example, Yoshitaka Iwasaki's "Hyakunin Isshu Kaikansho" contains notes by Motoori Norinaga. Yoshitaka wrote Norinaga's notes in red ink, and then added his thoughts in light black ink. There are many other materials in which have Norinaga's notes, and by organizing them, we can learn how scholars of the Japanese classics studied the master's thinkings. The Kansai University Library has "Manyoshu" texts, those have many notes writen into Norinaga's thinking. One of texts is very similar to Norinaga's autographed text, that is Motoori-norinaga-kinenkan has. Another text has Nagase Masaki's notes. This is written with three colors ink, red blue and black. Red is Norinaga's notes, blue is another person's notes, and black ink is his own notes. In this way, a lot of information can be read by digitizing the text and organizing notes of meny texts written into by scholars of the Japanese classics in late Edo period.}, publisher = {関西大学アジア・オープン・リサーチセンター}, title = {近世国学者たちのいとなみ : 古典籍デジタルアーカイブズ化と国学者書入集成の試みから}, year = {2022} }