@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022140, author = {高橋, 絹子 and 木村, 護郎 クリストフ}, journal = {関西大学外国語学部紀要 = Journal of foreign language studies}, month = {Oct}, note = {The present research is an extension of our series of previous research into the setting of business interpreting (Takahashi & Kimura 2017, 2018), and in the present paper we focus especially on advantages and disadvantages of the use of Japanese-English business interpreters. 13 business interpreters and nine clients (i.e. users) were asked as to advantages and disadvantages of the use of interpreters as a means of interlingual communication. It was revealed that besides the most basic advantage of establishing communication, there were obvious and latent advantages and disadvantages. Obvious advantages recognized by interpreters and clients include "accurate and smooth communication without misunderstanding" that is more than simply conveying the messages as well as alleviating the load of English use. Factors recognized only by one party were classified as latent or hidden advantages and disadvantages. These factors include the interpreter as someone like an ice-breaker and a proxy-interpreter for a potential make-shift staff-interpreter in the office, and costs both in terms of time and money. The findings would eventually lead to help think about the difference between human interpreters and machine interpreting in the future.}, pages = {35--50}, title = {異言語間コミュニケーション手段としての通訳のメリットとデメリット : ビジネス通訳の観点から}, volume = {25}, year = {2021} }