@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022063, author = {古賀, 広志 and Koga, Hiroshi and 佐藤, 彰男}, journal = {情報研究 : 関西大学総合情報学部紀要}, month = {Jan}, note = {我々は,2018年12月に300名の正規雇用労働者を対象としたアンケート調査を実施した.この調査は週日1日・休日1日の各24時間にわたり15分刻みで,行動とそれを行った場所の記録を求めたものである.調査結果の分析によって,回答者たちの2割程度は,何らかのかたちでテレワークに従事していることが判明した.本稿では,この調査結果に基づきながら,だれが・いつ・どこで・どのような形態のテレワークに従事しているのかを明らかにしていく., With an aim of learning more about teleworking trends in employment, researchers conducted a survey among 300 full-time workers in December 2018. The survey asked respondents to record their activities and the places in which they performed these activities. The responses had to be recorded in 15-minute intervals over a 24-hour period spanning one weekday and one holiday. Analysis of the survey results revealed that approximately 20% of the respondents were engaged in some form of telework. Based on the results of this survey, this paper clarifies who is engaged in telework; when and where they carry out the telework activities, and the nature of these activities., 特集 中河 伸俊名誉教授 定年退職記念}, pages = {65--80}, title = {雇用型テレワークの日常的実践に関する実態調査}, volume = {54}, year = {2022} }