@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002088, author = {佐藤, トゥイウェン}, journal = {関西大学東西学術研究所紀要}, month = {Apr}, note = {「国朝女範演義詞」 (A printed book, now in the possession of the Institude of Han-Nom studies) was written before 1883, by Prince Mien Trinh (1820-1840), who was the 11th Prince of the King Minh Mang (Nguyen Dynasty) - and then became Tuy Ly King County (绥理王). 「国朝女範演義詞」 was described by Nom script under a form of poetry called "six-eight" (「六八体」), comprising successive lines of six and eight syllables, respectively. And the text "Nufan" (「女範」) of (Ming) 劉氏 Ms Liu. is the original manuscript of the 「国朝女範演義詞」, but was not regarded as an original manuscript of China. In this paper, we would like to clarify the traditional Vietnamese view of women (女性観). Throughout this paper, we believe that we have successfully clarified how the Vietnam traditional view of women as seen from 「国朝女範演義詞」 is the same as the traditional Chinese view of women, namely as "a good wife and a wise mother" (良妻賢母), "three subjections that a woman in feudalistic should obey" (三従), "four virtues" (四徳), "a view of chastity" (貞節観), "filial piety" (親孝行), "virtue" (才智), "agnete" (父系親族集団), the honor toward the nation and their compatriots (国家や同胞に対する仁義) etc., 本稿は、科学研究費助成事業(学術研究助成基金助成金)「基盤研究(C)」(課題番号15K02092、平成27年度~30年度、佐藤トゥイウェン研究代表)「ベトナムの「家訓」文献と伝統倫理の研究」における成果の一部である。}, pages = {A327--A350}, title = {阮朝の綿寊皇子の「国朝女範演義詞」から見たベトナムの伝統女性観}, volume = {51}, year = {2018} }