@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002076, author = {Wittkamp, Robert F.}, journal = {関西大学東西学術研究所紀要}, month = {Apr}, note = {Although the Kojiki was submitted to the court in 712, it is not mentioned in the Shoku Nihongi, which contains the official history from 697 till 791. This paper is based on the assumption that intrinsic reasons were at least partially at work and will address the problem by subjecting the conceptualization of the text to closer review. "Conceptualization" refers to kōsō 構想 (concept, idea, design of a text), an important concept used in text-oriented Kojiki research to describe the selections and restrictions of words, phrases or stories and their arrangement in a coherent and closed text. The examination shows that mi 身 ("body") belongs to the keywords in Kojiki myths, and another assumption is that the involvement of mi is a unique feature of Kojiki text design which distinguishes the work from the Nihon Shoki myths - one, which possibly overshot the mark.}, pages = {A47--A64}, title = {The Body as a Mode of Conceptualization in the Kojiki Cosmogony}, volume = {51}, year = {2018} }