@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002032, author = {髙橋(前原), あやの and Takahashi(Maehara), Ayano}, journal = {関西大学東西学術研究所紀要}, month = {Apr}, note = {I reprinted a preface, an afterword, and Jozan's annotation of Nakayama Jozan's "Proofreading of the Astronomical Chapter in Huainanzi," as well as translating and annotating these pieces. Furthermore, I studied how certain texts were marked as popular editions. As a result of comparing several texts, it can be considered that the concept of a popular edition points to books published in Japan in 1664. It is not clear whether this was the most popular in Japan at the time, but at the very least it was widely known, and it can be said that Jozan used it once he recognized that the volume was already in general distribution. Jozan adds an original note in "Proofreading of the Astronomical Chapter in Huainanzi," enabling us to get a sense of the depth of his knowledge.}, pages = {57--93}, title = {中山城山『校正天文訓』(第一段〜第五段)の訳注と流布本の検討}, volume = {50}, year = {2017} }