@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001580, author = {横山, 恵子 and Yokoyama, Keiko and 東郷, 寛 and Togo, Hiroshi}, issue = {1}, journal = {關西大學商學論集}, month = {Jun}, note = {The purpose of this study is to identify conditions that can eliminate or mitigate founder's syndrome in nonprofit organizations from a perspective of governance. By analyzing a successful business succession case study, this study clarifies the process of change in governance and management. According to a perception survey of current staff, organizational management and governance are more effective after the business succession than before. Based on these findings, we elucidate the evolution of nonprofit governance and management during and after a business succession, considering the management's consciousness of intentionality. We demonstrate the necessity of transforming organizational management and governance to a stewardship governance model following business succession, to alleviate founder's syndrome commonly experienced in nonprofit organizations established by charismatic leaders. Furthermore, we examine the reasons and processes that facilitated this organizational transformation, with reference to the theoretical framework of managers' "intentionality of consciousness." The reasons and processes responsible for enabling this transformation are discussed within the context of the theoretical framework of "intentionality of consciousness" in management.}, pages = {107--127}, title = {Conditions for Eliminating or Mitigating Founder’s Syndrome in Nonprofit Organizations: A longitudinal case analysis from a governance perspective}, volume = {69}, year = {2024} }