@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001498, author = {矢野, 司郎 and Yano, Shiro}, journal = {ジオグラフィカ千里 = Geographica Senri}, month = {Mar}, note = {近世城下町の建設と維持はかつてない規模で地域社会の景観を一変させる歴史的事業であった。その前時代の中世城郭と近世城郭の最も異なる視点は,近世城郭がその城下と一体で設計され,武家地・町人町・寺町というゾーニングが施されことである。そして譜代大名が入封した城下町であれば石高の異なる大名が同一の城下町に複数入封したことである。前提として,その城下町に幕藩体制の中で数々の大名が入封してくるこということは,石高の規模が異なるどの大名にも使い勝手の良い街路網が整備され,上水・下水の確保などのインフラの整備が必要であったことを意味する。しかしながら,なにをおいても軍事優先・領国の中心性が優先であったために,自然災害にはもろい側面をもっていた。本稿では,三河国拳母を事例として,陣屋から城郭への昇格をきっかけとし,自然災害のために改変,城郭の移転などをやむなくされた近世城下町について考察する。拳母は矢作川の城下の東部を流れ,そのため再々の洪水に見まわれていた。寛延2(1749)年,城持ち大名内藤氏の拳母への入封とともに洪水を要因として城郭および侍屋敷地区は地勢が低い町屋の隣接地から0.8km西南西の童子山に移転した。その際,三宅氏の陣屋町時代の町屋や部分も一部城地に接続する樹木台に移転することになった。, The construction and maintenance of an early modern castle towns were historical events that transformed the landscape of a community on an unprecedented scale. The most significant differences between medieval castle towns of the previous era and early modern castle towns were that early modern castle towns were designed as an integrated part of the castle and zoned into samurai districts, townspeople towns, and temple towns. Another difference is that multiple feudal lords with different Kokudaka (a system for determining land value in the Edo period) entered the same castle town where Fudai feudal lords settled. The fact that a number of feudal lords moved into a castle town under the Bakugan system meant that the town had to have a network of streets that were easy to use for all of the lords, who were all different in Kokudaka, and it was necessary to develop infrastructure such as water supply and sewage systems. However, the region was vulnerable to natural disasters because of the priority given to military affairs and the centrality of the fiefdom above all else. This paper examines the early modern castle town of Koromo in Mikawa Province, which was promoted from a camp to a castle town and had to be altered or relocated due to natural disasters. The Yahagigawa River flowed through the eastern part of the castle area of Koromo and was, therefore, subject to recurrent flooding. In 1749, when the Naito clan, feudal lord of the castle, entered Koromo, the castle, and the samurai residences were relocated from the adjacent area of the Machiya (townhouses), which was on lower terrain, to Dojiyama, 0.8 km west-southwest of the castle, due to flooding. At that time, some of the Machiya (townhouses) in the Miyake clan’s Jinyamachi period were also relocated to a wooded area connected to the castle grounds., 野間晴雄教授退職記念号 特集:地理学万華鏡─俯瞰・比較と応用}, pages = {351--367}, title = {城下町の水害の危機管理について}, volume = {3}, year = {2024} }