@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001497, author = {矢嶋, 巌 and Yajima, Iwao}, journal = {ジオグラフィカ千里 = Geographica Senri}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究は,かつて明石市二見地区に位置した東洋紡績明石工場と播磨重布という二つの東洋紡績系列の綿紡績工場に注目し,変遷を明らかにした。1936年に建設された琴浦紡績二見工場はタイヤコードを生産し,1939年には多角化を目指していた東洋紡績に買収されて二見工場となったが,第二次世界大戦末期には川崎航空機工業の工場に使用された。戦後は東洋紡績二見工場としてタイヤコードなどを生産し,1964年には明石工場に改称して1979年まで操業した。一方,1918年に東二見集落に創設された播磨帆布は,日中戦争勃発後に原料調達が難しくなったことから東洋紡績系列の東洋染色に合併された。重布生産量が日本で第1位の工場であった。第二次世界大戦末期には東洋紡績に賃借され,終戦まで東二見工場として重布生産が続けられ,軍需用繊維製品の製造も担った。この工場は,戦後も東洋紡績東二見工場として生産が続けられた。1959年からは東洋紡績系列の播磨重布工場として1994年まで操業した。, This study focused on two Toyo Spinning Company (Toyobo) related factories, Akashi Factory and Harima Jufu (heavy fabric), which were once located in the Futami district of Akashi City. This study clarified the history of these factories. The Kotoura Boseki (cotton spinning) Futami Factory, built in 1936, produced tire cords. In 1939, this factory was acquired by Toyo Spinning Company, which was aiming to diversify, and became the Futami Factory. At the end of the war, it was used as a factory for Kawasaki Aircraft Industries. After the WWII, it was restored to a factory that produced tire cords and other products. It operated until 1979. On the other hand, Harima Hanpu (canvas), which was founded in Higashifutami in 1918, merged with Toyo Sensyoku (staining) , a subsidiary of Toyo Spinning Company, as it became difficult to procure raw materials after the outbreak of the Japanese Chinese War. It was the factory with the largest production volume of heavy cloth in Japan. At the end of the WWII, it was leased to Toyo Spinning Company, and continued to produce heavy fabrics as the Higashifutami factory until the end of the WWII, and was also responsible for manufacturing textile products for military use. This factory continued production even after the WWII as the Toyo Spinning Company Higashifutami Factory. From 1959, it operated as the Harima Jufu Factory of Toyo Spinning Company Group until 1994., 野間晴雄教授退職記念号 特集:地理学万華鏡─俯瞰・比較と応用, JSPS 科学研究費(C)19K12491 「明石における「地域の自画像」の研究 : 通史的変遷をたどる」(研究代表者 矢嶋巌)}, pages = {331--349}, title = {昭和戦前・戦中期の明石市二見地区における二つの東洋紡績系列綿紡績工場}, volume = {3}, year = {2024} }