@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001495, author = {三木, 理史 and Miki, Masafumi}, journal = {ジオグラフィカ千里 = Geographica Senri}, month = {Mar}, note = {本論文の目的は,港湾都市として稚内の発展を描くことにある。当初北海道における樺太への輸送経路の玄関は小樽で,樺太の日本領編入後の1910年代でも稚内の存在感は薄かった。稚内港は1923年の稚泊航路開設後樺太との往来増加によって成長した。1910年代まで鉄道建設が優先され,稚内港の港湾修築は22年の宗谷線全線開通を経て本格化することになった。樺太庁の命令航路も,1907年当初は小樽起点で,稚内寄港は限定的であった。1926年の宗谷線の旅客輸送は道央や道南および本州発の旅客を樺太へ輸送し,道北は通過地域に過ぎなかった。貨物ではその傾向がより強く,宗谷線から稚泊航路への継送も限られていた。稚内町の人口は1920年代以後増加し,その職業構成も商業や公務自由業で大きく躍進した。稚内の市街地形成も旅客利用施設を中心に進んだ。, This paper aims to clarify reasons for the development of the port of Wakkanai. Because the port of Otaru had mainly been developed as a gateway to Karafuto (now South Sakhalin), that of Wakkanai was less used after its opening in the 1910s. The port of Wakkanai was developed because of increasing of comings and goings to Karafuto caused by the opening of the Chihaku railway voyage between Wakkanai and Odomari (now Korsakov). Because improvement works to harbors came after railways had been constructed before the 1910s, critical mass was achieved after the completion of the Soya Line between Asahikawa and Wakkanai in 1922. In even 1907, the Ministry of Karafuto had granted the rights to operate seaways mainly from Otaru and a few from Wakkanai to Karafuto. Because passengers had been mainly transported from central and southern Hokkaido and Honshu to Karafuto, few ones had reached northern Japan by the Soya Line. Few cargoes had reached northern Hokkaido and a few ones had made it to Karafuto by the Chihaku voyage. In Wakkanai Town after the 1920s, the population increased, and more merchants and corporations were doing business. Wakkanai Town had mainly constructed facilities for passengers in urban areas., 野間晴雄教授退職記念号 特集:地理学万華鏡─俯瞰・比較と応用, JSPS科研費21H00633 基盤研究B「20世紀前半の東アジア海域における海上交通の発達と沿岸地域の動向」(研究代表者 : 中西僚太郎)}, pages = {309--329}, title = {樺太輸送経路の形成と稚内の港湾都市誌 : 宗谷(本)線と鉄道省営稚泊鉄道連絡航路の形成をめぐって}, volume = {3}, year = {2024} }