@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001486, author = {石坂, 澄子 and Ishizaka, Sumiko}, journal = {ジオグラフィカ千里 = Geographica Senri}, month = {Mar}, note = {本稿は,近世から現代にかけての大阪における寒天商の商業活動と活動拠点を考察するものである。寒天は,テングサを主原料として釜で焚き,煮出した液を冷やし固めた後に,更に凍結・融解を繰り返して作られる。寒天製造は,近世に農閑期の余業として大阪府の北摂地域から京都府・兵庫県の山間部に広まり,輸出品として重要な位置を占めた。原料の仕入れと製品の卸は大阪中心部の問屋が行った。天満の乾物問屋の扱いから始まり,靭地域に寒天の専門問屋が生まれたが,大阪大空襲による靭地域の破壊の後,拠点は天満地域に移行した。, This paper examines the commercial activities and bases of agar merchants in Osaka from the early modern times to the present. Agar is made mainly from Tengusa seaweed, which are fired in a iron pot, boiled, cooled, and hardened, and then frozen and thawed repeatedly. Agar production spread from the Hokusetsu region of Osaka Prefecture to the mountainous areas of Kyoto and Hyogo Prefectures in the early modern times as an afterthought during the off-season for farmers, and it occupied an important position as an export product. Wholesalers in central Osaka purchased the raw materials for agar and wholesaled the products. The agar trade was initially conducted by a dry goods wholesaler in Temma, followed by a specialized wholesaler in the Utsubo area, but the base shifted to the Temma area after the Utsubo area was destroyed in the Osaka Air Raid., 野間晴雄教授退職記念号 特集:地理学万華鏡─俯瞰・比較と応用}, pages = {175--185}, title = {大阪における寒天商の考察}, volume = {3}, year = {2024} }