@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001484, author = {前田, 弥生 and Maeda, Yayoi and 水野, 有紀 and Mizuno, Yuki}, journal = {ジオグラフィカ千里 = Geographica Senri}, month = {Mar}, note = {本稿は,中学地理の授業を通じて,生徒たちに論理的・共感的な理解をどのように育むことができるかを,「オセアニア州」の授業実践を通じて考察した。この授業実践は「持続可能な社会」の担い手の育成に貢献する地理教育には,土台となる論理的・共感的な理解の育成が必要であるとの筆者達の考えに基づき構成した。さらに,教科書を主な教材とすることで,地理を専門外とする教員にも実施しやすい試案を目指した。授業実践の結果,教科書を主教材とする授業でも十分成果が得られることを示すことができた。一方で,教員は地理学の専門知識だけでなく,言語教育学などから新しい教育方法を学ぶ必要性等の新しい課題も見えた。, This paper examines how logical and empathetic understanding we can foster in junior high school geography classes by teaching “Oceania.” This teaching practice is based on the authors’ belief that geography education, which contributes to developing leaders of a “sustainable society,” requires logical and empathetic understanding as a foundation for geography education. Furthermore, by using textbooks as the primary teaching materials, the authors aimed to create a trial plan that teachers who are not geography specialists could quickly implement. As a result of the classroom practice, we were able to show that the textbooks could be used as the primary teaching materials and still produce satisfactory results. On the other hand, new issues were identified, such as the need for teachers to learn new teaching methods from geography expertise and language education, and other fields., 野間晴雄教授退職記念号 特集:地理学万華鏡─俯瞰・比較と応用}, pages = {137--153}, title = {論理的・共感的な理解を育む中学地理の授業実践の成果と課題 : 単元「オセアニア州」を通して}, volume = {3}, year = {2024} }