@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001479, author = {稲田, 和子 and Inada, Kazuko}, journal = {ジオグラフィカ千里 = Geographica Senri}, month = {Mar}, note = {長門市は,東は萩市,南は下関市,美祢市に接する山口県北部の日本海に面した都市である。主な産業は,漁業,農業,畜産業と食品製造(蒲鉾)業で,山口県を南北に貫くJR美祢線と山陰本線の結節点にあたることから,古くから北浦地区の交通の要衝としての性格も有してきた。しかし,1955年(昭和30年)を境に人口減少に転じ,近年は若年層の人口減少が著しく過疎化が進み,2040年の将来推計人口では,2010年(平成22年)と比較して約40%余りも減少すると予測された。全国で「地方創生」が盛んに叫ばれるなか,長門市においても地域創生が積極的に推進されている。そこで,地理的・歴史的視点から,長門市の地域創生のヒントを探った。, Nagato City is a city facing the Sea of Japan in the northern part of Yamaguchi Prefecture, bordering Hagi City to the east and Shimonoseki City and Mine City to the south. The main industries are fishery, agriculture, livestock farming, and food manufacturing (kamaboko), and since it is the junction of the JR Mine Line and the San’in Main Line, which runs north-south through Yamaguchi Prefecture, the Kitaura district has long been a key transportation hub. have also had However, the population began to decline in 1955 (Showa 30) , and in recent years the population of young people has declined significantly, and depopulation has progressed. It was predicted to decrease by about 40% or more. Amidst calls for “regional revitalization” being actively promoted throughout the country, Nagato City is also actively promoting regional revitalization. Therefore, we searched for hints for regional revitalization in Nagato City from a geographical and historical perspective., 野間晴雄教授退職記念号 特集:地理学万華鏡─俯瞰・比較と応用}, pages = {59--69}, title = {長門市の地域創生のヒントを探る : 仙崎港を事例に}, volume = {3}, year = {2024} }