@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001477, author = {西河, 悦子 and Nishikawa, Etsuko}, journal = {ジオグラフィカ千里 = Geographica Senri}, month = {Mar}, note = {近江盆地の南東を流れる野洲川中流域に位置する勤務校において,土地生態的基盤,歴史的基盤を取り上げ,フィールドワークを行い,地域に学ぶ地理教育を実践してきた。野洲川中流域は丘陵地を折谷する河川が層状に連続しており,中上流域の山林には花崗岩地帯が広がり,扇状地や天井川を形成している。社会的紐帯が明確な歴史的基盤があり,古代の杣から切り出した材木を運び出すために利用された野洲川の水運,近江と伊賀,伊勢を結ぶ街道,旧甲賀郡の土豪らの紐帯である甲賀郡中惣といった地域にまとまりをもたらす要素を持つ。これらの基盤をもとに,ウォークラリー形式でフィールドを歩く実践,机上で周辺地域のようすを知る実践,オンラインを利用したリモートフィールドワーク実践,ポスターセッションによる地域の相互理解を図る実践を行ってきた。, I have been practicing regional geography education in high schools located in the middle basin of the Yasu River in the south-east of the Omi Basin. This practice focuses on learning the land ecological, historical foundations mainly by fieldworks. This area of the Yasu River has a layered succession of rivers in the hilly terrain. In the mountains and forests of the middle and upper basin, the granite zone extends and form alluvial fans and rivers with bed above water. There is a historical base with clear social ties and some elements bring cohesion to the area, such as the water transport of the Yasu River, which was used to transport timber cut from ancient Soma, the way connecting Omi and Iga or Ise, and the Koka-gun Chuso, that is, the community of landlords brought in the former Koka County. Based on these foundations, we have conducted a walk rally-style field practice, to learn about the surrounding area, an online remote fieldwork practice, and a poster session to promote mutual understanding of the area., 野間晴雄教授退職記念号 特集:地理学万華鏡─俯瞰・比較と応用}, pages = {29--42}, title = {滋賀県野洲川中流域圏の解明と地理教育への応用}, volume = {3}, year = {2024} }