@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001440, author = {Nakayama, Haruki and 中山, 晴喜 and Nakajima, Tomoya and 中嶋, 智也 and Itano, Tomoaki and 板野, 智昭 and Sugihara-Seki, Masako and 関, 眞佐子}, journal = {Science and technology reports of Kansai University = 関西大学理工学研究報告}, month = {Mar}, note = {The aerodynamic characteristics of turbo-javs were measured by wind tunnel experiments, and the obtained data were used to compute trajectories of a turbo-jav starting from the initial conditions of 35 throwing experiments. Comparisons between the computed results and the throwing experiments suggested a potential modification for the trajectory computation, such as adding a resistance term to the pitching moment estimated from the wind tunnel experiments. Utilizing this method, we investigated the optimal release conditions for turbo-javs to achieve the maximum flight distance.}, pages = {25--30}, title = {AERODYNAMIC PROPERTIES AND OPTIMAL RELEASE CONDITIONS OF TURBO-JAVS}, volume = {66}, year = {2024} }