@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001439, author = {Yoshikawa, Kazuki and 吉川, 和希 and Nakagawa, Kazuyuki and 中川, 和幸 and Arai, Isshin and 荒井, 一心 and Sakakibara, Kazuki and 榊原, 和樹 and Itano, Tomoaki and 板野, 智昭}, journal = {Science and technology reports of Kansai University = 関西大学理工学研究報告}, month = {Mar}, note = {The flow of a Newtonian fluid confined between concentric double spheres, with a stationary outer sphere and an inner sphere rotating at a constant angular velocity, is referred to as spherical Couette flow (SCF). The equilibrium state of SCF is determined by the radius ratio of the inner to outer spheres, η, and the Reynolds number, Re. For η≤ 0.75, when Re exceeds the critical Reynolds number, Reᶜ, a flow characterized by high shear regions extending from the poles to the equatorial zone appears at the first transition. This transitional flow is known as the spiral state. In this study, the spiral state is visualized and analyzed at a radius ratio of η=0.5. By analyzing the brightness of the captured images, a period unique to the spiral state was confirmed, and the frequency distribution reveals the existence of two patterns with different wavenumbers., Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C), JSPS KAKENHI, Grant No. 20K04294}, pages = {17--23}, title = {VISUALIZATION AND ANALYSIS OF VISCOUS FLUID FLOW IN SPHERICAL COUETTE SYSTEM}, volume = {66}, year = {2024} }