@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001319, author = {王, 若翰 and Wang, Ruohan}, journal = {東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {The Xiao Xue Ju Jie (≪小學句解≫) and the Xiao Xue Ji Cheng (≪小學集成≫) are considered to be the only two surviving annotated books of Zhu Xi’s Xiao Xue (≪小學≫) from the Yuan Dynasty. The Xiao Xue Ju Jie is the earliest surviving individual annotated book of Xiao Xue, which was edited by Xiong He, a Confucian scholar of the late Song and early Yuan Dynasties. The only surviving Yuan Dynasty copy of this book is in the Maeda Ikutoku-kai Foundation in Japan. The Xiao Xue Ji Cheng is the earliest surviving collective annotated book of Xiao Xue, which was edited by He Shixin, an editor in Jian'an in the mid-to-late thirteenth century. There are four Yuan Dynasty copies of this book, one of each in the Maeda Ikutoku-kai Foundation in Japan, the National Library of China, the Library of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Shanghai Library. This article examines and analyzes the Yuan Dynasty annotated books of Zhu Xi’s Xiao Xue.}, pages = {231--256}, title = {朱熹《小學》現存元代註本考 : 以《小學句解》與《小學集成》為中心}, volume = {17}, year = {2024} }