@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001224, author = {高橋, 秀彰 and Takahashi, Hideaki}, journal = {関西大学高等教育研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {Globalization has increased the necessity for appropriate communication skills for interacting with those with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. In this context, the use of AI-based multilingual translation technology has become an important issue, as well as efforts to improve the foreign language skills of Japanese people. For example, the performance of various interpretation and translation services today is improving at an ever-increasing rate, and they have already been put to practical use in many areas. In this paper, I will compare the performance of upper intermediate-level English learners in Japan and ones using machine translation in speaking and translating. I will then discuss the potential use of machine translation in education for global competence and the necessity of foreign language learning in the future., 科研費(21K18351)}, pages = {41--50}, title = {異言語コミュニケーションにおける機械翻訳の活用とグローバル人材育成 : 日本人中上級英語学習者と機械翻訳のパフォーマンス比較から}, volume = {15}, year = {2024} }