@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001004, author = {Kitagawa, Kota and 北川, 亘太 and Futamura, Masako and 二村, 雅子}, issue = {4}, journal = {関西大学経済論集}, month = {Mar}, note = {In his classic book on régulation theory, Aglietta (1976, p. 109) references J. R. Commons’ book on labor history in the United States. Théret (2002; 2008) also uses Commons’ work as a foundation for the theoretical development of régulation theory. The purpose of this study is not to retrospectively review Commons as a source of régulation theory but to enrich and reinterpret the core concept of régulation theory, that is, régulation. We draw four main themes from Commons’ main work, Institutional Economics (1934): 1) régulation as a dynamic concept containing both the past and future; 2) régulation expressed through private and collective actions in the present; 3) the ethical role of “Commonsian régulationists” (Théret, 2008), which we call “investigators,” in their field; and 4) the riskiness of investigators identifying or categorizing themselves as micro-, mezzo-, or macro-economists., JSPS KAKENHI, grant numbers JP20K01490, JP21K13268, and JP21K01418.}, pages = {163--188}, title = {Régulation and John R. Commons’ “Reasonable Values”}, volume = {73}, year = {2024} }