@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000111, author = {関屋, 俊彦 and Sekiya, Toshihiko}, journal = {関西大学東西学術研究所紀要}, month = {Jul}, note = {I was able to obtain the whole book entitled “Kokuf û” with pictures. “Kokuf û” is held by the Noh Theatre Research Institute of Hosei University. The first comprehensive Noh magazine was “Nohgaku” (1902). There is also a reprint of “Nohgaku,” which is often used by researchers. The existence of “Kokuf û” was known but now it is difficult to obtain. I expected that the activities of Ohnishi Kansetsu (1840-1916) and his nephew, Ryoutarou were written in “Kokuf û,” the only one issued in Osaka. I went to Hosei University several times to read it, but the quality of the paper was extremely poor, so I needed special permission. The most successful result is “About the beginning of the chants of Kyoto Kanze Yashiki described in “Kokuf û.” Eyewitness accounts that Zeami received a spear from Shogun Yoshimitsu and a notice of Tadasu Rever Kanjin in Noh (1461) was on a half tatami mat. These may be new to researchers. In “Kansetsu and Sekidera Komachi” was third performance (1909.4.3). While Kansetsu was dancing, his costume became untied, which is a rare occurrence for Master Kansetsu. There are real voices of the performers who participated in Noh programs in the Kinri. Kansetsu’s, specifically, is invaluable. The reality of Osaka Museum Noh Theatre is well -written. Books held Ohnishi family matches the current issue is something., 科学研究費補助金基盤研究(C)「大阪能楽会館蔵書 解題目録の作成ならびに茂山千五郎家と青家のかかわり」(課題番号 18999955 研究代表者 関屋俊彦)}, pages = {109--122}, title = {能楽師大西家盛衰記 : 『國諷』を中心に}, volume = {56}, year = {2023} }