@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019713, author = {毛利, 英介}, journal = {関西大学東西学術研究所紀要}, month = {Apr}, note = {This article examines the international relationships of the Qi (斉) dynasty. The Qi dynasty, also referred to as Liu Qi (劉斉) or Wei Qi (偽斉), was founded in the year 1130 by the Jin (金) dynasty as a collaboration regime to rule the Han Chinese in northern China. Liu Qi also intended to be one of Chinese orthodox dynasties to which the emperor belonged in appearance. This article examines the international relationships among the Qi and Jin dynasties and the Southern Song (南宋) as they are represented in "Shaoxing Jiayin Tonghelu," a document written by the Southern Song official Wang Hui (王絵), who was dispatched as an envoy to the Jin dynasty in 1134. The paper analyzes how these three dynasties are expressed in the document, which consists of descriptive parts, dialogs, and letters., 本研究は、日本学術振興会の科研費(19K01028および20H01323)の助成をうけたものである。}, pages = {A253--A279}, title = {『紹興甲寅通和録』から見た劉斉をめぐる国際関係}, volume = {54}, year = {2021} }