@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001884, author = {増田, 周子 and Masuda, Chikako}, journal = {関西大学東西学術研究所紀要}, month = {Apr}, note = {From the 6th to 10th of April in 1955, the Congress of Asian Countries had been held at New Deli in India, 200 representatives attended for from 14 nations this congress. Japan also sent 34 people to attend six divisions like "political matter" and religious matter", in addition to 2 observers. Hino Ashihei was one of the nine Japanese representatives sent to India to attend the division for "culture matter". On returning form this congress, 28 people including Hino Ashihei visited the People's Republic of China to see the situation in new China after the liberation. Hino Ashihei recorded this visit to new China from 21st of April to 4th of May in detail, in Chūgoku Tobi Nikki 中国旅日記 Diary of Tour in China (reprinted version by MASUDA Chikako in Higashi Ajia Bunka Kōrū Kenkyū 東アジア文化交渉研究(Jounal of East Asian Cultural Interaction Studies,) March, 2010). He even sent correspondence of his record from China to the various Japanese medias. Returning to Japan, he started to write serial story in a form of travel sketch, based on his diary and correspondence of record under the title of Akai Kuni no Tabibito 赤い国の旅人(The Traveler in the Red Country) (in "Bungei" 文芸 from October to December in 1955). Later, he published the first edition of Akai Kuni no Tabibito 赤い国の旅人(The Traveler in the Red Country) (from Asahi Shinbunsha in 1955) in a book form which was based on a serial story but added about the New Deli as well as about Korea where he visited after his stay in China. This novel has hardly been studied. There are only a few contemporary critiques and only one preceding academic study by Fujiwara Kosaku 藤原耕作,Akai Kuni no Tabibito-Ashihei no Mita Chūgoku 『赤い国の旅人』ー葦平の見た中国(The Traveler in Red Country-China Witnessed by Ashihei) (Jyosetsu叙説(Statements) vol.Ⅷ. August in 1996). These preceding materials, however, did not consider about the Diary of Tour in China which was the foundation of the novel as well as correspondence of records which Ashihei sent from China.Having an opportunity to reprint the Diary of Tour in China, I could have investigated the differences and mutual points between the Diary and the novel. This paper firstly presents the comparison and contrast between these two texts.}, pages = {29--47}, title = {火野葦平「赤い国の旅人」の成立と死中国認識 : 「中国旅日記」との比較および、初出雑誌削除問題を中心として}, volume = {44}, year = {2011} }