@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018583, author = {上田, 達三}, issue = {2}, journal = {関西大学社会学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {同種産業に属する中小企業は,地域的に集中して立地し,それぞれ中小企業集団を形成している場合が多い。明治以降,海外から移植導入された毛布産業も,全国各地に定着し,企業集団を形成しながら発展してきた。しかし,大阪府泉州の毛布産業の発展はめざましく,生産力の発展に照応して産業構造の変化をとげつつ,第二次世界大戦前には,早くも全国第一の地位を誇る中小企業集団が形成されるにいたった。本稿は,第二次世界大戦前のわが国毛布産業の発展を取上げ,とりわけ,泉州毛布産業における中小企業集団の社会的分業体制の変化に視点を据え,その史的展開過程を考察したものである。, Small businesses coming under the manufacturing industry of the same kind are usually located regionally together to form several groups. Since the Meiji era the blanket manufacturing indsutry transplanted from abroad also had been taking roots and forming groups in various regions of the whole country. In Senshu region, Osaka Prefecture, the blanket manufacturing industry as a regional-based group of small businesses reached to have the most important position, even by the Secound World War, in all over the country, changing the industrial structure in accordance with the development of productivity. This paper examines the development of specialization in manufacture of regional-based group of small businesses in Senshu region, giving an example of the blanket manufacturing industry of Japan in prewar times., 尾崎康夫教授古稀記念号}, pages = {25--38}, title = {中小企業地域集団形成過程における社会的分業体制の展開 : 泉州毛布産業の生成展開小史}, volume = {20}, year = {1989} }