@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018480, author = {森田, 雅也 and Morita, Masaya}, issue = {3}, journal = {関西大学社会学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {わが国では1970年代から労働の人間化が注目されてきたが,その焦点は,生産労働者の仕事そのものを変革し,仕事において自律性を発揮することにあてられてきた。しかし,近年においては,労働の人間化の射程は,ホワイトカラーや仕事と仕事を離れた生活との関係にまで拡大されてきた。最近の新しい人事管理制度をみても,労働者自身が仕事を離れた生活を含めて自律的に働き方を決定できるような制度が導入されてきている。こうした一連の動きは,労働者が自律性を発揮しているという点において,新しい労働の人間化の展開としてとらえられる。, Humanization of work has been known even in Japan since the 1970's, but the focus of such studies has recently expanded from exploring how to make production work better for blue-collar workers to studying how to create a favorable balance between the working and private lives of both white and blue-collar workers. In response to this trend, many companies have introduced new personnel management systems, the essence of which is the "autonomy" of the individual. That is why we recognize this movement as a link with Humanization of Work. From the practical point of view, it is most important for companies to choose personnel management systems which allow employees to work autonomously.}, pages = {1--18}, title = {Humanization of Work and Current Personnel Management Systems in Japan}, volume = {26}, year = {1995} }