@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018354, author = {木村, 洋二 and Kimura, Yohji and 小林, 純子}, issue = {3}, journal = {関西大学社会学部紀要}, month = {Apr}, note = {知られざる哲人小林勝次郎の著作『揖(その四)』を「資料」として紹介した。小林は1898年に生まれ,1989年に没した仏教系の求道哲学者である。20代半ばで在家のまま無一物の生活を決意し,極貧のなかで自我と欲望の動きを見つめつつ,孤高の求道生活を送った。その思索の成果は30巻ほどの私家本として出版されているが,その思想も生涯もほとんど知られていない。いかなる名にも権威にも生活の必要にさえも屈せずに,普遍の道を求めつづけた無為庵小林勝次郎が,私たちに語りかけるものは深い。, "Kaji (vol.4)" written by KOBAYASHI KATSUJIROU, an unknown contemporary Japanese Buddhist philosopher, is introduced. KOBAYASHI was born in 1898 in Niigata and died in 1989. He had radically practiced "MUI" (non-doing) for more than 60 years in his secular town life. Carefully watching the movement of Ego and desire, KOBAYASHI wrote more than 30 books, later volumes of which were entitled as "MINN ANOMONO" (Belonging to nobody). His thought seems to have some common elements with Jiddu Krishnamurti.}, pages = {127--177}, title = {[資料] 無為庵・小林勝次郎の「揖(かじ)」}, volume = {30}, year = {1999} }