@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018346, author = {橋本, 敬造}, issue = {1}, journal = {関西大学社会学部紀要}, month = {Sep}, note = {ここでの主眼は,前近代の中国において科学的な思考や創造性にかかわり,それらを推し進めたり,あるいは抑止した知的および社会的要因について考えることにある。まず言語や時間・空間などの基本的概念に中国科学文化の特徴を探ぐる。次に中国における自然の法則観について見てから,科学の社会的次元にかかわる問題を考察し,なぜ中国においては近代科学のレヴェルにまで「科学」が到達し得なかったのかという主題について考える方途とするのが本論の目的である。, I will discuss scientific and intellectual productivity before the modernization in China. The fundamental factors, which had promoted the development of scientific discoveries and technological inventions, but, eventually prevented the development of scientific aspects of knowledge similar to the rise of modem science in Europe, will be discussed in order to analyze the character of Chinese civilization. Those fundamental factors are language, the concept of time and space, and Chinese thinking about natural laws. The problem which is called influences Needham paradox cannot be solved if the social aspect of scientific activities in Chinese traditional society and the cultural area are not taken into consideration.}, pages = {61--80}, title = {中国科学の文化社会的基底}, volume = {31}, year = {1999} }