@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018230, author = {水野, 由多加}, issue = {1}, journal = {関西大学社会学部紀要}, month = {Feb}, note = {日本の民間放送における「番組提供」という制度は1950年代初頭の創生期に様々な期待や憶測を呼び、広告主の「企図と負担」によって番組内容が制作され聴取者・視聴者に聴取料を取らず無料で「提供」されるという論理のもと、新しい実践としてスタートが切られた。しかしながら放送局の編成の自主性が高まるにつれ、はやくも1960年代には広告主の提供とは放送局が主導して制作した番組の「選択、選定、採用」のことであり、それを貰く資金負担の論理は販売促進経費ではなく「利益の社会還元」とされるに至る。この事実関係においては、広告主が当該番組の「制作費」を負担しながらも所有権(財産権としての著作権、現在は著作隣接権にまで拡大する諸権利)が放送局に留まるのはなぜか、という創生期からの論理的疑問に直接は回答していない。取引において経済合理性のあるルールによらず状況的に「提供」の意味するところが変化し制度化したことを本稿では一時資料に基づき論理的に跡付けてゆく。, In the 1950s in Japan, sponsored programs of Japanese commercial broadcasters were not conducted by original statute rules, but by customary practices borrowed from the newspaper business. Thus, from the advertisers' viewpoint, there is no logical reason why advertisers should pay full production costs of their sponsored programs, even though all proprietorship of their programs remains with the broadcasters. "Teikyo" in Japanese everyday vocabulary, sponsorship and paying full production costs of their sponsored programs meant advertiser's initiatives on its sponsored program at least on the early stage. The author suggests this irrationality in this paper. However, in the 60s, there remained few initiatives on its program, except rights on selecting and presenting programs as a service to society, i. e., TV viewers. On the contrary, because people love commercial broadcasters, advertisers paid many advertising costs to commercial broadcasters. The author discusses the complex context of the practices by historical and critical review on this matter. This research can be seen as a type of advertising research, although the nature of mass media is often placed outside of traditional advertising studies especially in Japan.}, pages = {165--184}, title = {番組「提供」の制度化 : 1950年代民間放送創生期の確認}, volume = {36}, year = {2005} }