@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017843, author = {森田, 雅也 and Morita, Masaya}, issue = {1}, journal = {関西大学社会学部紀要}, month = {Nov}, note = {15名の男性育児休業取得者を対象とした聞き取り調査の結果をもとに、男性が育休を取得することの意義を人的資源管理の視点から検討した。それらは次の通りである。第1に、年功的労務管理の時代に中心的な労働者モデルであった男性正社員が、時間に制約のある働き方を選び始めたところに、新しい人的資源管理のあり方を創出する可能性を見いだせる。第2に、従業員の行動を変える影響力が大きい管理職に就く割合が相対的に高い男性が育休を取得することにより、こうした働き方への気づきや配慮がこれまで以上に伝播しやすくなる可能性がある。第3に、労働時間管理において、労働者が満足する時間を設定することの有効性を高める点があげられる。, Based on the result of the author's interviews with 15 male childcare leave takers, the significance of childcare leave of male workers in human resource management is discussed. Findings are as follows. First, a new human resource management paradigm become increasingly likely to emerge since male workers, who were the main employee-model in the age of seniority (nenkô) employee management, start to choose a time-strained way of working. Secondly, there is a high possibility that a time-constrained way of working and consideration for those who choose the new way of working become widespread, due to the assignment of male childcare leave takers to managerial positions. The reason is that managers exert a greater influence on their subordinates and that in the existing conditions, much more male employees take the post of managers than female. Thirdly, in working hours management, the effectiveness of setting working hours which give employees satisfaction will be enhanced.}, pages = {147--163}, title = {男性の育児休業と人的資源管理上の意義}, volume = {43}, year = {2011} }