@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001773, author = {沈, 国威}, journal = {関西大学東西学術研究所紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {The Catholic missionaries who came to China in late Ming and early Qing dynasties, translated and published a lot of Western books introducing Western learning to successfully accomplish their missionary work. In the process, many new words and translated terms were created. But, as the Qing Dynasty strictly prohibited the missionary work in the 18th Century, the introduction of the Western learning was suspended as well as the missionary work. At the beginning of the 19th Century, the Protestant missionaries who arrived in the southeastern coast of China resumed the missionary work, and the second phase of the introduction of the Western learning started too. Protestant missionaries had a lot in common in missionary policies and other aspects with the missionaries of the Society of Jesus. But did they succeed the cultural assets of the Society of Jesus including their new words and translated terms? If so, how did they succeed the knowledge? How did it influence on the introduction of the Western learning? In this paper, by investigating how the Protestant missionaries succeeded the words NETTAI, ONTAI, and KANTAI translated by the members of the Society of Jesus, the process of linguistic contacts and spread of knowledge and vocabulary induced by the cultural exchange is discussed. In this paper, it is verified that some words used in translation were not succeeded in a straight manner, but after many twists and turns. It is also emphasized that the Chinese intellectuals played important roles in the process. Voluntary and active efforts are indispensable in accepting any cultures.}, pages = {A39--A53}, title = {訳語は如何に継承されたのか : 「熱帯、温帯、寒帯」再考}, volume = {35}, year = {2002} }