@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017048, author = {香川, 貴志}, journal = {ジオグラフィカ千里 = Geographica Senri}, month = {Mar}, note = {本稿は,安定成長期に入って以降に開発された郊外住宅地の変化の過程を考究するものである。指標には国勢調査の小地域統計を用い,コーホート変化率を精査することで人口転出入の実態に迫る。研究対象地域は,京阪神大都市圏の郊外に位置する京都府木津川市の南加茂台である。当地区は1981年から入居が始まった戸建住宅からなる住宅地であり,近年は高齢化,空き家問題の発生,小学校の児童数減少などの地域課題が顕在化している。こうした状況は,同時期に開発された全国各地の住宅団地でも認められる。したがって,本研究の成果は,南加茂台の課題やその解決策を模索するだけでなく,同様の課題を抱えた住宅団地での応用が期待できる。, This paper addresses the issue of how residential suburbs in the Keihanshin Major Metropolitan Area are changing, especially those that were first developed between the first 'oil shock' (1973-1974) and the so-called 'bubble economy' in Japan (1988-1990). The study is based on an analysis of subregional statistics of the National Census and population changes by age cohort. The case study is the district of Nagomodai, city of Kizugawa, located in the southern end of Kyoto prefecture and in the suburb of the Keihanshin Major Metropolitan Area. The Nagamodai residential area consists of single-family detached houses where the first residents moved in during 1981. Recently this neighborhood has displayed various problems such as aging of the population, a dramatic rise in vacant houses, together with a sharp decrease in children at the local elementary school. As these issues have been identified in other suburban districts developed through the same period, the results of the research will be useful for clarifying problems and their solutions not only in Nagamodai but in similar suburban areas., 伊東理教授退職記念号, 特集 : 都市空間の地理学}, pages = {145--160}, title = {京阪神大都市圏外縁部における戸建住宅地の変化 : 京都府木津川市南加茂台を事例として}, volume = {1}, year = {2019} }