@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016264, author = {阿辻, 茂夫}, journal = {情報研究 : 関西大学総合情報学部紀要}, month = {Jul}, note = {In this article I refer to the informatic process of decision-making in social organizations. Specifically, I focus on 'organizational intelligence' that depends on the neural system of organizational decisions. Organizational intelligence, like individual intelligence, is built on two fundamental aspects. The first of these is rational calculation, by which expectations about future consequences are used to choose among current alternatives. The rationality of policy making is typified by planning, analysis, and forecasting using the techniques of decision theory and management sciences. The second aspect is learning from experience. Through learning, feedback from previous experience is used to choose among present alternatives. 'learning' in policy making is typified by experimentation, evaluation, assessment, and the techniques of experimental design and control theory. Therefore, I divide the informatic process of decision-making in organizations into the following three parts - a cognitive process, a learning process, and a thinking process in the neural system of organizational decisions., 本研究は、関西大学経済・政治研究所「情報管理」研究班における筆者担当部分「組織情報過程の研究」の研究経過報告である(文部省科学研究費(基盤研究 (c) (2) 課題番号11630141))。}, pages = {41--54}, title = {組織決定の神経系統}, volume = {11}, year = {1999} }