@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016218, author = {林, 武文 and Hayashi, Takefumi and 藤岡, 真衣 and 郷原, 啓二}, journal = {情報研究 : 関西大学総合情報学部紀要}, month = {Feb}, note = {大阪道頓堀は,江戸時代から明治大正期を経て戦後の高度経済成長期に至るまで芝居街として栄え,大阪の文化の中心地的な役割を担ってきた.約400年の歴史において,度重なる大火と戦災に遭遇したにもかかわらず復興と繁栄を続け,現在では国内有数の繁華街に発展したが,芝居町の面影はほとんど残されていない.本研究は,このような失われた大阪の都市景観を3次元コンピュータグラフィックスで復元し,デジタルアーカイブを構築することを目的としている.本稿では,その基礎検討として行われた道頓堀五座と周辺の街並みの復元について述べ,可視化の意義と可能性について考察する., The Dotonbori area in Osaka has been a cultural center for classical plays such as Kabuki and Joruri since the Edo period and continuing through the Meiji, Taisho and Showa periods. Although the area had been destructed several times to fires and bombing raids during World War II, it was reconstructed persistently during the past 400 years. However, it became a huge nightlife district with many restaurants, bars, and entertainment venues coming up in the middle of the Showa period, and almost none of the landscapes have survived into the current Heisei period. In this research, we have reconstructed the historical landscape, particularly, the historical theaters called "The Five Dotonbori Theaters", using 3D computer graphics on the basis of historical research to establish a digital archive of Osaka landscapes.}, pages = {73--89}, title = {3次元CGによる大阪の歴史景観の可視化 : 道頓堀五座と周辺の街並みの復元に関する基礎検討}, volume = {36}, year = {2012} }