@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012393, author = {孫, 知慧}, journal = {東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper introduces Lee Gi-Young (李箕永, 1922-1996), Korea's pre-eminent modern Buddhist scholar, who studied Buddhist research methodologies under Étienne Lamotte (1903-1983) at Leuven University in Belgium in the 1950s. Bul-Yeon reestablished research methodologies for Korean Buddhist studies in the modern era; he is the leading scholar on Won-hyo (元暁, 617-686), a famous high priest in the seventh century. Bul-Yeon devoted himself to the creative interpretation of the Sutras and practical Buddhist activities; "piety and seeking the truth," which is considered contrary to "historical empirical studies focusing on objectified literature," and yet which is fused in Bul-Yeon. The paper addresses the introspective nature of Buddhist studies today, the lack of practice and faith in Buddhism worldwide, and implications for Buddhist studies and the practices of Bul-Yeon Lee Gi-Young.}, pages = {327--342}, title = {李箕永の仏教研究と韓国現代仏教学}, volume = {6}, year = {2013} }