@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012375, author = {沈, 国威}, journal = {東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {In 1917, Hu Shi published the article, "Some Tentative Suggestions for a Reform of Literature," in which he proposed eight points for literary reform, including "Don't use classical allusions" and "Pay attention to grammar." There have been many insightful discussions by scholars of literary history on this declaration of new literary reform and the points contained therein from the perspective of the formulation of literature. There are very few analyses, however, that proceed from the point of view of formation of the national language. What did Hu Shi intend by "Pay attention to grammar"? What was meant by "grammar" in 1917, and how were writers expected to "pay attention to" it? What was the relationship between "paying attention to grammar" and the creation of the new literature? Hu Shi himself did not elaborate on these issues, and later scholars have also paid little attention to these questions from a linguistic perspective. This paper situates Hu Shi's suggestions in the historical context of the pre-May Fourth New Culture Movement, and analyzes the formation of a new harmonious relationship between expressed content and language form as well as the gap between Hu Shi's efforts and his words and deeds.}, pages = {43--55}, title = {“形式”与“精神”的拮抗一重读胡适《文学改良刍议》(一)}, volume = {6}, year = {2013} }