@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011905, author = {董, 潔 and Dong, Jie and 松原, 耕平 and Matsubara, Kouhei and 佐藤, 寛 and Sato, Hiroshi and 川崎, 友嗣 and Kawasaki, Tomotsugu}, journal = {関西大学心理学研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purposes of this study were to translate the job-hunting anxiety inventory (Matsuda, Nagasaku, et al., 2010) into Chinese and to investigate its reliability and validity. Total of 322 college students (mean age = 21.79 years old, SD = 1.90) participated in this study. We used Chinese version of the job-hunt anxiety inventory and BDI in the survey. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the Chinese version was not a five-factor structure. Exploratory factor analysis revealed that the Chinese version of the job-hunting anxiety inventory had a two-factors. Because the two-factors were extracted in college students in China, we used the two-factors structure and the original five-factor structure in analyses for validity and reliability. The results showed sufficient validity and reliability for both factor structures. Thus, in Chinese college students, we found that a two-factor structure should be considered but original five-factor structure also has a certain scale property., 本研究では,就職活動不安尺度を中国語に翻訳し,妥当性と信頼性の検討を行った。322名(平均年齢=21.79歳,SD=1.90歳)が対象となり,測定尺度は,就職活動不安尺度中国語版とBDI であった。確認因子分析を行った結果,中国の大学生において原版の5因子構造が確認されなかった。そこで探索的因子分析を行った結果,2つの因子が抽出された。信頼性と妥当性では2因子構造と原版の5因子構造での検討を行った。その結果,どちらの因子構造でも十分な妥当性と信頼性が確認された。このことから,中国の大学生では2因子構造であることが考慮されるべきであるが,原版と同様の5因子構造でもある程度の尺度特性が担保されることが示された。}, pages = {33--40}, title = {就職活動不安尺度中国語版の作成と妥当性・信頼性の検討}, volume = {10}, year = {2019} }