@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011536, author = {亀井, 亮宏 and 荒川, 隆一 and 澤田, 正寛 and 上野, 弘高 and 山田, 等 and 高井, 嘉雄 and 靜間, 基博 and 山岡, 寛史 and 田中, 寿一}, issue = {5}, journal = {Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan}, month = {}, note = {The enantiomeric excess (e.e.) determination of organic amines and dipeptides has been examined using ESI and FAB mass spectrometry. Here, an equimolar amount of labeled and unlabeled enantiomeric host pair compounds is mixed with a given e.e.-unknown guest compound. This is called the enantiomer labeled (EL)-host method. The enantiomeric host pairs employed were (1) chiral podands having galactose end-groups and (2) chiral crown ethers. Three sets of the Ie (intensity excess)-e.e. plot showed excellent linear relationships, indicating that the e.e.-value of e.e.-unknown amine compounds can be determined by the simple ESIMS or FABMS coupled with the EL-host method, within the mean error of 1.5-4%e.e.}, pages = {289--294}, title = {ESIおよびFABマススペクトロメトリーを用いるアミン類およびジペプチド類のエナンチオマー過剰度の決定}, volume = {52}, year = {2004} }