@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011140, author = {Matsushima, Kyoji and Kobayashi, Sachiko and Miyauchi, Hiroki}, journal = {Proceedings SPIE : Practical Holography XX : Materials and Applications}, month = {}, note = {A high resolution fringe printer developed for driving the research in computer-generated holograms is presented. This fringe printer consists of a rotation drum and a laser diode and is capable of printing elliptical dots of 1.5 times 3.0 microns in diameter on photosensitive films. These dot sizes are approximately converted into resolutions of 17,000dpi × 8,500dpi. The horizontal and vertical angles of viewing-zone of holograms printed by the printer reach 24 and 12 degrees, respectively. The designed maximum scan speed is more than 200mm/s, and at current stage of development, a hologram of approximately 50 mm square can be printed in approximately 2 hours.}, pages = {1--8}, title = {A high-resolution fringe printer for studying synthetic holograms}, year = {2006} }