@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011138, author = {Matsushima, Kyoji}, journal = {Proceedings SPIE : Practical Holography XIX : Materials and Applications}, month = {}, note = {A new algorithm for removing hidden surfaces from reconstruction of computer-generated holograms is presented. The object used in the algorithm is defined by surface model and each polygon composing the object provides a mask for blocking the incident field into the backside of the polygon. The computational cost of the proposed algorithm is 2 FFT/polygon by handling field transmission in Fourier space and integrating the surface diffraction method for generating fields. Reconstruction of a hologram synthesized by using the presented algorithm is demonstrated.}, pages = {25--32}, title = {Exact hidden-surface removal in digitally synthetic full-parallax holograms}, year = {2005} }