@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011121, author = {Ozawa, Mamoru and Umekawa, Hisashi and Matsuda, Takeshi and Takenaka, Nobuyuki and Matsubayashi, Masahito}, issue = {3}, journal = {JSME international journal. Ser. B, Fluids and thermal engineering}, month = {Aug}, note = {A simulated fluidized-bed heat exchanger with tube banks was visualized using a neutron rediography system. Observed flow pattern indicated an importance of the tube arrangement. Heat transfer experiment, conducted simultaneously, indicated a close relationship between the heat transfer and flow pattern. The staggered arrangement with relatively small pitch has a potential of high heat transfer performance.}, pages = {720--726}, title = {Flow Pattern and Heat Transfer in Tube Banks of a Simulated Fluidized-Bed Heat Exchanger}, volume = {41}, year = {1998} }