@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010983, author = {谷本, 奈穂}, journal = {情報研究 : 関西大学総合情報学部紀要}, month = {Feb}, note = {本論の目的は,美魔女を批判する言説を分析し,外見に関わる「常識」や「規範」を明らかにすることである.結果,女性には「若く美しくあれ」と「若作りの禁忌」という相反する二重の規範が課されていることが分かった.そこに,性差別とエイジズムの結託が見られる.The purpose of this study is to determine ‘the premise’ or ‘the norm’ that is related to appearance, analyzing the critical discourse about ‘bimajo’(middle‒aged women who look young). The results of the study state that there are double standards that operate in the critical discourse, ‘women should be beautiful and young’ and ‘women must not wear make up to look younger’; furthermore, the concepts of sexism and ageism seem to collide with each other.}, pages = {47--55}, title = {複雑化する美の呪縛― ある批判言説を読み解く}, volume = {42}, year = {2015} }