@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010900, author = {江澤, 義典}, journal = {情報研究 : 関西大学総合情報学部紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {西暦2003年度から教科「情報」が高校の必修科目として開設された. したがって,大学での初年度情報教育への影響を考えるべき時期にきている.文部省の指導要領によれば,教科「情報」では専門科以外ではプログラミング技術は教えないことになっている.高校生にはどのような情報スキル教育を実施すべきだろうか.本論文では,情報教育の国際水準を検討し,情報学に必要なスキル教育のガイドラインを提案する., In Japan, the subject 'Informatics' has been taught in high school classes since 2003. Therefore it is time to reconsider the curriculum for university freshmen entering college from April of 2006. According to the Ministry of Education in Japan. the subject 'Informatics' for general high school pupils does not include computer programming skills. We need to think what kind of skills should be required in high school. In this paper, we will discuss how the 'Informatics' is taught in other countries at the high school level and the international educational level in 'Informatics' for the high school. We propose some practical guidelines for computer skill training in Japanese high school 'Informatics' classes.}, pages = {1--11}, title = {高校普通教科「情報」とスキル教育}, volume = {24}, year = {2005} }