@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010589, author = {武田, 彩 and 山本, 大夢 and 葛原, 直樹 and 矢野, 誠也 and 西田, 俊司 and 森, 彩貴 and 北川, 拓人 and 杉野, 敬之 and 大久保, 泰斗 and 久米田, 玲水 and 井上, 拓哉 and 菅, 磨志保}, journal = {社会安全学研究 = Journal of societal safety sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {In our research, we investigated information support using SNS at the time of disaster. There is an advantage that anyone can easily get and spread information. Therefore, it is effective to provide information using SNS. In conclusion, from the distant place young people of nonprofessional that they can support by using SNS. Introducing on the case of "YA4K" of facebook group who actually carried out support activities., 研究ノート}, pages = {107--118}, title = {若者による災害初期における遠隔地支援に関する一考察 : 2016年熊本地震におけるSNSを活用した情報支援事例より}, volume = {7}, year = {2017} }