@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010560, author = {小田, 慶喜 and 池田, みよし and 三浦, 敏弘}, journal = {身体運動文化論攷}, month = {Mar}, note = {It is recognized that Miyazawa's literature is not understood easily. But Miyazawa's onomatopoeia is perceived by his words as an expression of the physical sense experienced in his life. In the modernized world,human being forgets human essence and physical sense, and is losing sight of environmental problems in future. The effort to train the sense of the body and to express is important,the physical education helps the expression of the sense of the body. The sense of the body is expressed as words and literature. When the body activity is experienced in physical education, the rythm and the change are drawn out. The education should offer the civilization and nature feel overall,and a lot of expression activities including the body by sense as an important role of the overall education.Expressing the sense of the body by a variety of methods contributes to fostering the sensibility.}, pages = {51--66}, title = {身体感覚を言葉で表現する言語活動に関する研究ー宮沢賢治のオノマトペを中心としてー}, volume = {5}, year = {2006} }