@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010265, author = {永井, 達夫}, journal = {関西大学外国語教育フォーラム}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, For six years I have taught Intermediate German at several universities using homepages from the Internet as teaching materials. During these six years the Internet spread quickly. The quantity of information sources available on the Internet is increasing day by day, and their quality is improving. I can say with confidence that the average level of computer literacy among present-day students shows a remarkable advance on the past. Now, there is also none of the mental distance between studens and the Internet that existed even just a few years ago. In such a situation the Internet can be utilized in drawing learners up to the next level targeted for them. Here I introduce two examples implemented with the presetn writer's students in 2001-2002: teh posting of students results on the Internet and a project in which each students established contact with the webmaster of a German language homepage. Both are based in the interactive aspect of the Internet. In order to teach students who can manipulate a computer comparatively freely, an appropriate new strategy must be devised. In this report I want to offer one suggestion for such a strategy.}, pages = {65--83}, title = {学生のコンピュータリテラシー向上に伴う外国語授業の新たな展開 ―中級ドイツ語のインタアクティヴな授業を例に―}, volume = {1}, year = {2002} }